Global solidarity is a local issue
What does an international art exhibition on children’s rights in Paris share with a conference on how to eat and produce food more responsibly in Getxo (Basque country)? A public discussion on the new goals for global development in Barcelona with free projections and debates on international cooperation in Rome?
They are all initiatives born and hosted in European cities and regions! They are all aimed at informing and raising awareness among European citizens on the need to join our efforts to build a more sustainable and inclusive world! And they are all among the programmed activities of the first edition of European Days of Local Solidarity.

European Activities
Poverty eradication, fighting against climate change or defending human rights… European cities and regions are actively engaged in global solidarity and they want to let their citizens know about it! To this end, EDLS will promote a wide range of activities organised at the local level around Europe identifying them with a common logo.
Cities and regions are the closest level of government to citizens. They are the perfect arena to rally citizens’ voices and promote global solidarity.
View agendaEDLS Agenda
Tardor solidària
12 November 2016 - Cerdanyola del Vallès
Ajuntament de Cerdanyola del Vallès -
Open doors: debates,
conferences and projections
14 - 18 November 2016 - Roma
Awareness raising
activities in Vidzeme
14 - 18 November 2016 - Vidzeme
Decentralised Cooperation:
The EU Development Policy
16 November 2016 - Mérida
Junta de Extremadura -
“Objectif enfance”
18 - 23 November 2016 - Paris
City of Paris -
Localising SDGs
24 November 2016 - Barcelona
Sustainable ways of
consumption and production
24 November 2016 - Getxo
Euskal Fondoa

Pl. del Abat Oliba, Cerdanyola del Vallès
Ajuntament de Cerdanyola del Vallès
November 12th
Local Solidarity Fair in Cerdanyola del Vallès
In the framework of the local initiative “Tardor Solidària” (Solidarity Autumn), a Local Solidarity Fair will gather local NGOs and civil society to promote citizen engagement, democracy and sustainable development.
The programme includes workshops and concerts for people of all ages. Participants: ACAU (Associació Coordinadora d’Ajuda Unida), ADIA (Associació pel Desenvolupament de la Infància a l’Àfrica), Alternativa Intercanvi amb Pobles Indígenes, Amnesty International, Associació Sofia, Red Cross and many others.

Piazza di Trevi 86, Roma
L’Associazione italiana per il
Consiglio dei Comuni e delle
Regioni d’Europa (AICCRE)
November 14th - 18th
Days of local solidarity
AICCRE will open the doors of its headquarters to citizens, Civil Society Organisations, the private sector, university representatives and politicians to discuss local, national, European and international cooperation projects. With the aim of promoting successful experiences and practices in the field of decentralised cooperation on fair trade and climate change, this series of activities will seek the active engagement of citizens and local actors. There are many ways to take part in the Open Doors on Local Cooperation! From a fair of organic solidarity products to guided tours of the headquarters, round-tables and fair trade workshops on the solidarity economy, and film screenings.

Vidzeme Region
The Latvian Association of Local
and Regional Governments (LALRG)
November 14th - 18th
European Days of Local Solidarity: Vidzeme
Different awareness-raising activities will be organised in Vidzeme Planning Region, focused on the flourishing cooperation of the region with Georgian municipalities and regions.
Meeting in Rauna municipal council with the participation of the Mayors of Amata, Cesis, Jaunpiebalga, Ligatne, Pargauja, Priekuli, Rauna and Vecpiebalga municipal council. Meetings in Rauna Secondary School, at the Pagrabiņš youth centre. Debate on the cooperation between municipalities and entrepreneurs. Way forward towards possible cooperation among Latvian and Georgian entrepreneurs: fair trade products. Meeting with the representatives of local CSOs.

Av de la Libertad, 06800 Mérida
Regional Government
of Extremadura
November 16th
Decentralised Cooperation: The EU Development Policy
Representatives of the Government of Extremadura, the European Commission and the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR). This seminar driven by the Extremadura Agency for Development Cooperation (AEXCID) and designed by the AEXCID and the AEBR, aims to promote the participation of DNGOs at a European level by presenting experiences and best practices, and will feature discussions with local authorities and civil society actors on ways to better implement EU development policy and EU-funded projects. A member of the European Commission (DGDEVCO) will be in attendance to talk about the European development cooperation policy and financial tools for cooperation.

Le Paris de l´Hôtel de Ville Paris
Ville de Paris, Clowns sans Frontières, ECPAT, Enfants Sans Frontières, Plan France, Secours Islamique de France, Solidarité Laïque, SOS Villages d’Enfants
18th - 23th November
International Photo Exposition on the SDGs and Children´s Rights
On 20 November, it is Universal Children´s Day. To mark the occasion, the city of Paris is hosting an exhibition organised by a number of international charities and NGOs specialising in children´s rights. This exposition will shine the spotlight on the Sustainable Development Goals and their intersection with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, as well as the initiatives implemented by the NGOs in this area.
The aim is to make the general public better informed about the SDGs, raise awareness about children´s rights and promote the work of the NGOs.

Edificio Elkartegi, Las Arenas, Getxo, Biscay
Euskal Fondoa
24th November
Building sustainable ways of consumption and production at the local level
The Elkartegiak centre in Getxo will host the latest EDLS activity, a seminar presenting a range of initiatives developed in the Basque Country in the field of sustainable food production and consumption, from awareness-raising to research and project implementation.
Family farming, safe and efficient donation of surplus food, and giving imperfect fruit and vegetables a second chance are just some of the subjects that will be spoken about.

Stories from local to global
This project brings cities together in their roles as active protagonists in local policies and decentralised cooperation, and the Slow Food approach to development, based on the involvement of food communities and consumers.
This project, designed by PLATFORMA and VNG International, connects locations that have basic needs for the development of their communities with other cities and regions all over the world.
The region of Isère in France in cooperation with the Belgian city Sint-Niklaas implemented a project to advance women’s rights in the city of Tambacounda and town of Kedougou in Senegal.
This is a local community campaign seeking to raise awareness about food consumption and promote initiatives revolving around the Slow Food philosophy. To this end, the 4Cities4Dev project, co-financed by the European Union, involves collaboration between the cities of Turin, Tours, Bilbao and Riga, and Slow Food International, with the aim of boosting awareness of responsible consumption and providing education about the consequences of traditional food consumption. The project brings together the cities, in their capacity as active drivers of local policies and decentralised cooperation, and the Slow Food approach to development, which is based on the involvement of food communities, citizens and consumers.
The campaign has seen the four European cities "adopt" seven food communities in Senegal, Mauritania, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Kenya, Mali and the Ivory Coast. This "adoption" has given the participating cities the opportunity to gain a first-hand insight into how these African communities function according to Slow Food criteria, and to support them. The four European cities have therefore come into contact with groups of people in the African countries that produce, transform and distribute sustainable, quality food, while maintaining a strong social, economic, cultural and historical bond with their territory.
The community at the Mananara Vanilla Presidium in Madagascar is supported by the city of Riga. This presidium was created with the collaboration of the NGO Intercoopération, the company Development Environmental Consultant (DEC) and the Madagascan National Association for the Management of Protected Areas (ANGAP). Thanks to the support of the presidium, 900 producers have organised themselves into a cooperative, working to improve cultivation and processing techniques and to market the vanilla.
For its part, the city of Bilbao is supporting the Pokot Ash Yoghurt Presidium in Kenya. Communities in the villages of Tartar and Soibee have long produced an unusual yoghurt made by mixing milk from cows or goats with the ash of the native cromwo tree. This Slow Food project set out to protect a highly distinctive product, one that is synonymous with these communities, by looking to improve the health of the animals used to produce the yoghurt and to enhance the production process to make it safer and more hygienic, with a view to increasing the quality of the product, all the while respecting local traditions.
4Cities4Dev puts food at the centre of a cooperation model that seeks to drive changes in consumption habits. Through the Slow Food approach, the project brings together three aspects that are usually separated: biodiversity protection and environmental sustainability, support for local communities and their traditions and culture, and economic freedom for producers.
Food safety and protection, animal care and community work take on particular significance in Africa, the continent that has become a symbol of hunger in the world.

The brainchild of PLATFORMA and VNG International, the CONNECT project seeks to facilitate contact and the exchange of expertise between cities, towns and regions across the world in order to solve local problems. Improving the management of local resources and public services is a key challenge facing our towns, cities and regions. CONNECT offers a platform to partner with other cities and towns around the world in order to share experiences and best practices with a view to solving specific practical problems.
CONNECT´s pilot was launched in June 2016, when four projects were kicked off in Cambodia, Ghana, Uganda and Colombia.
CONNECT works as follows: through collaboration with local and regional governments, the initiative´s task force receives requests from towns and cities. After a problem has been flagged up, the CONNECT network of contacts from other partner towns is leveraged in order to locate professionals with the know-how to tackle the issue. The response is then tailored to the nature of the project in question and can range from working-group assignment trips to expert meetings.
CONNECT seeks to mobilise towns and cities as drivers of key policies in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To this effect, it focuses on projects aligned with the fight against climate change and the shift in urban planning models towards sustainable development.
Far from creating relationships of dependency between towns requesting solutions and others providing them, CONNECT aspires to establish a genuine cooperation model based on reciprocity between all the project participants. The idea is that every participant will have some know-how and expertise to contribute via its working groups, and every town involved will benefit from sharing knowledge and good practices.
CONNECT was born to serve as a network of cooperation between towns and cities and to foster sustainable urban development.

Triangular partnerships for gender equality, Isère-Tambacounda-Sint-Niklaas
The region of Isère in France has been involved in decentralised cooperation since 2004 and considers a gender-sensitive approach as indispensable in development projects. In 2011, the Family Planning division of Isère implemented a project to advance women’s rights in the city of Tambacounda and town of Kedougou in Senegal, where women and girls face challenges in accessing health care and education, and are subject to gender-based violence.
Isère partnered with Senegalese women’s rights organisations and the Committee to Fight Violence Against Women (CRLVF) to carry out specific actions including the renovation of three women’s shelters in Tambacounda and the development of action plans to counter violence against women, including training for CRLVF members on methods for raising awareness about violence against women and girls among students and the general public.
The Belgian city Sint-Niklaas cooperates with the city of Tambacounda on public administration, particularly on the registration of citizens. Each year a joint campaign is launched to encourage citizens to register their children. In cooperation with the national government, an annual regularisation (‘audience foraine’) of unregistered citizens is organised. The importance of registering girls is specifically emphasised in the campaigns as the formal birth certificates will give them access to education and health services later in their lives.

Little actions you can do for local solidarity

Inform yourself!
Read, ask, explore! Development issues concern many different topics and you’ll probably be interested in more than one of them: gender, climate, peace building, etc. There are many ways to be informed!

Be the first to talk about it!
Simply by discussing and debating with relatives and friends you can raise awareness about the important links between the challenges of your daily life and the goal of responsible global development.

Be active!
You don’t need to travel very far to show solidarity with global causes. Civil Society Organisations and NGOs in your city or town are already working to fight inequalities, climate change and poverty both here and abroad. Get involved!

Promote it in your town!
Local and regional governments are active in international cooperation through projects with other cities and regions in the world. You can have a say on how your local government engages in international cooperation. If it doesn’t, then it’s up to people like you to ask it to do so!

Joining efforts around Europe
Local and regional governments are raising their voices in Europe in favour of more responsible development for all. PLATFORMA, the voice of European cities and regions active in development, promotes decentralised cooperation as a tool to achieve it. Ask your city or town to be part of the movement!

Build a better city for all
By showing solidarity in our day-to-day lives, we can fight against exclusion and defend the right of every human being to live with dignity. As citizens, we can contribute to global solidarity by making our cities and towns more sustainable, inclusive and democratic

Photography CreditsWeb design: Digital Dosis
Photography Credits
Photography 1: Peace, Solidarity by Glenn Halog (CC BY-NC 2.0)
Photography 2: Cerdanyola by Dani Armengol Garreta (CC BY-NC 2.0)
Photography 3: Roma 2008 -249 by Flavio Biondo (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
Photography 4: Ziemassvētku eglīte by Saeima (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Photography 5: Plaza Mayor de Mérida by Elemaki (CC BY 3.0)
Photography 6: Late sunset by Mike Ault (CC BY-NC 2.0)
Photography 7: Pati Manning by Canaan (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Photography 8: Getxo Elkartegi by Getxoko Udala
Photography 9: Äthiopien 2011 by Berlin School of Coffee (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
Photography 10: Teamwork 5 by D I (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
Photography 11: Girls perform a sketch by Angela Sevin (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)